Get to Know Your Customers Day

Posted on 18th October 2016

You may remember the days when the shops on your main high street were locally owned and run. Usually, you knew the people that owned them, by name, and they probably knew about your shopping habits too. With large companies now taking their place in high streets with chains across the country and the internet meaning that online selling is becoming common place, the idea of getting to know your customers is less of a focus.

What is 'Get to Know Your Customers' day?

Get to Know Your Customers day is observed annually on the third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, October).

Get to Know Your Customers day is the idea of getting to know a little more about your customers and client base. What makes them tick? What promotions and offers attract them? What could your service/ product or business be doing to improve their experience?

This is a good oppor­tu­nity to look at build­ing rela­tion­ships with your cus­tomers and asking them about their feedback and ideas too.

Why should I get to know my customers?

For businesses of all sizes, understanding the needs and wants of your customer is essential for long-term success. Nowadays, if someone isn't happy with the service they are receiving they can just go elsewhere. It's competitive in the marketplace. The knowledge you can get from listening to your customers is what can make the difference between you and a competitor.

How do I get to know my customer?

It starts with asking for feedback. Just because you’re not getting complaints doesn’t mean you’re doing everything right.

To really find out what customers are thinking, you need to offer quick and simple ways to provide feedback. At Toolkit Websites, in addition to the many external reviews we get, we also we invite our clients to fill out a survey at the end of their website build. We use this feedback to help improve our service a little more each time. We ask our clients what they thought was good, where we could improve and anything they might be unsure of going forward. We aim to tackle any issues immediately and this means that we are continuing to improve our service from project to project.

Listening to client feedback is so important, but using it is a really powerful way of improving your business and demonstrating to potential new clients that their ideas/opinions will be valued and often implemented. It's win-win!

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